New Delhi: The Election Commission of India on Wednesday said drivers and owners of a total of 163 autorickshaws that displayed political advertisements have been prosecuted by the Delhi Police.
The motion against the drivers and owners of these autorickshaws has been taken under the Motor Vehicle Act.
"Owners or drivers of 163 auto-rickshaws which were carrying political advertisements were prosecuted by Delhi police under the new Motor Vehicles Act," said a poll official.
Replacing old transportation law, the Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2019 has been brought in with an aim to reduce basic transport-related hazards for the commuters.
The new amendments have increased several penalties under the Act, for example, the penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs has been increased from Rs 2,000 to Rs 10,000 and moreover, a person driving a two-wheeler without a helmet will be liable to a fine of Rs 5,000.