New Delhi: The Anti-Corruption Branch here has issued a notice to Aam Aadmi Party leader Amanatullah Khan for questioning in connection with a two-year-old corruption case related to the Delhi Waqf Board, officials said. A senior official said on Thursday that the Okhla MLA has been called for questioning at 12 pm on Friday in connection with the case registered under the Prevention of Corruption Act in 2020.
Khan, the chairman of the Delhi Waqf Board, tweeted about the notice, claiming he has been summoned as he built a new Waqf board office. The Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) is probing alleged irregularities in recruitment in the Delhi Waqf board. Earlier, the ACB had written to the Lieutenant Governor's Secretariat demanding that Khan be removed as the Delhi Waqf Board chairman for allegedly hampering a probe by "bullying" witnesses in a case against him. (PTI)