Dehradun: Additional Chief Secretary Home of Uttrakhand, Radha Raturi has alleged that Uttar Pradesh police "catches innocent people to solve the case." The statement of the senior IAS officer came against the backdrop of the recent Kashipur shootout incident in which the wife of a local BJP leader was killed.
Radha Raturi further said that "if one innocent got punished then 99 more criminals will be born. A crime should be investigated properly and the real culprits should be punished."
Also read: UP-Uttarakhand Police file cross FIRs in shootout case
Since the incident, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Police have engaged in a blame game and police of both states have registered cross FIRs in connection with the incident in which five police personnel were also injured.
The clash between the police and locals took place when a team of Uttar Pradesh police was chasing one Zafar Ali, said to be a mining mobster, at Bharatpur in Uttarakhand on October 12 evening. Zafar carries a reward of Rs 50,000 on his head.
During the press conference, Special Principal Secretary Abhinav Kumar, and DGP Ashok Kumar also remained present with Radha Raturi.