Panaji: Aam Admi Party (AAP) observed 'black day' in Goa on Saturday to mark the "second anniversary" of 10 Congress MLAs leaving the party to join BJP. Addressing the media, AAP leader Atishi said the people of Goa will "send a cake to the 10 defector MLAs to mark the second anniversary of defection"."People of Goa still remember this betrayal. People also now know that Congress and BJP are the same and voting for Congress is like voting for BJP," she said.
The AAP leader said that in the last 10 days, around 70,000 people have pledged to clean Goan politics. AAP has also declared in-charges of 20 assembly constituencies ahead of assembly elections in Goa next year. "The in-charges have been given the task to strengthen AAP at booth level. They also have to work for their respective constituencies. Party candidates will be declared at a later stage," AAP leader Surel Tilve said.
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