Prayagraj: As many as 40 Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) Rashtriya Kalamanch students crafted a 30x50 feet 3D rangoli of Lord Ram in the ongoing Magh Mela in Sangam city. They also claimed that this artwork, started by them on January 19 took immense hard work to be completed. They made it at the camp of Vishwa Hindu Parishad located in the Parade Ground of Magh Mela.
These fine arts students hail from Allahabad Central University. In this attractive rangoli, the Ram temple is shown with Lord Ram with a bow and arrow. The students also applied to the International Book of Records to register this achievement by sending a photo and video of the artwork. A certificate of this record shall be issued after investigation.
Around 321 kg of natural colours have been used in making the 3D rangoli. State media coordinator of ABVP Abhinav Mishra said that this 3D rangoli has been sent to the International Book of Records for global recognition. It should be done in a week. On Monday, the rangoli was unveiled, attracting a huge number of people.
Sachin Singh Rajkumar, the secretary of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad Prayag Mahanagar, said, "A large number of people are flocking to witness the beauty of this grand depiction of Lord Ram and Ayodhya temple."
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