Bhojpur: A woman from Bihar, who has been staying on a visa in India since 1985, has got citizenship under CAA after several decades of waiting. Sumitra Prasad alias Rani Saha, had to renew her visa repeatedly to stay in India. The woman, who lives in Arrah, said she was 5 years old when she went to her aunt's house in Bangladesh. According to her, Bangladesh was not divided at that time. She completed her studies while staying at her aunt's house and came to India in 1985. Sumitra never returned to Bangladesh after 1985.
She said she had been living on a visa in Chitratoli Road of Arrah for the last 39 years. Sumitra was 5 years old when she went to her aunt's house in Bangladesh. According to her, Bangladesh was not divided at that time. She completed her studies while staying at her aunt's house and came to India in 1985. Sumitra never returned to Bangladesh after 1985.
Saha told that after returning to India, she went to her father in Katihar district of Bihar. On March 10, 1985, she got married to Parameshwar Prasad in Chitratoli Road of Ara. After that Sumitra started living with her family in Arrah. Saha has three daughters Priyanka Prasad, Priyadarshini and Aishwarya.
"My long wait has ended. I'm very happy to get the Indian citizenship. I am thankful to the Modi government a lot,” Sumitra said. Sumitra said her brother died due to backbone cancer. During this time Sumitra Rani Saha had to face many difficulties. Every year, she had to face trouble for a visa. She said that many people in the locality also used to repeatedly ask her to go to Bangladesh. In 2023, due to a delay in my visa, the police told me to go to Bangladesh. "I never gave up and continued the fight," Sumitra said.
After learning about the Citizenship Amendment Act, Sumitra's daughter Aishwarya Prasad applied for CAA. Meanwhile, she also got a visa extension of three years. Aishwarya applied for CAA in October 2024.