Shimla: Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Tuesday said that police posts across Himachal Pradesh would be categorized on the basis of population, geographical factors and rural and urban divisions, further modernizing the police department.
Presiding over a police department review meeting here, he said that registered police posts would be authorised to lodge FIRs by integrating the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System (CCTNS). He further assured that adequate staff would be provided for improved efficiency and better public services.
An Anti-Drug Act would be formulated to combat the drug peddlers effectively and efficiently, the chief minister said. The state government would also address the issue of staff shortage by filling up the vacant posts. The process of recruitment of 1,226 police constables and 30 sub-inspectors is underway and 700 posts of Home Guards are also being filled up, a statement issued here said.
Stressing the need for adopting cutting-edge technology to enhance service delivery and operational efficiency, Sukhu said. A data warehouse and clearing agency would also be set up in the police department to store and organise data from multiple agencies for analysis and decision-making.
He added that the state government would provide adequate funding for the digitisation of 86 designated response centres. Home Guards would be deployed in various Boards and Corporations to maintain law and order and a Home Guards Battalion Training Centre would be constructed at Markand in Bilaspur district to improve training facilities.
Sukhu said that temporary deployment of Home Guards would be done in SDRF until the permanent staff is recruited in this force. He also assured that fire services would be modernised and Rs 19.40 crore would be released as the first instalment.
He expressed deep concern over rising cases of cybercrime in the state and said that 11,892 complaints were reported in the year 2024 involving a total amount of Rs 114.94 crore stolen in cyber frauds.
The chief minister said that Cyber Cell successfully blocked Rs 11.59 crore, amounting to 10.08 per cent of the total frauds and directed to raise awareness about cyber crimes and take stern action against the offenders.