Amaravati: YSRCP chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday said that the party is waging a war against a "demonic yellow media" and its "unethical social media". The former chief minister's statement comes at a time when more than 100 YSRCP activists were detained by police across the state for alleged disparaging posts on social media. "We are waging a war against a demonic yellow media, and it's (its) unethical social media. In this battle (of) illegal detentions, undue harassment and false cases. I am with you in each of these battles," said Reddy in a post on 'X'.
Asserting that truth would prevail, the YSRCP supremo claimed that illegal detentions, undue harassment and false cases had become the order of the day. Earlier, the opposition leader said that detaining social media activists was equal to infringing upon their fundamental rights, which is a direct assault on the constitutional guarantee.
We are waging a war against a demonic yellow media and it’s unethical social media. In this battle illegal detentions, undue harassment and false cases are the order of the day . I am with you in each of these battles, truth alone shall prevail.#WeStandForTruth…
— YS Jagan Mohan Reddy (@ysjagan) November 8, 2024