Uttar Kannada: A school trip turned tragic at Murudeshwara beach in Karnataka as four students drowned during an outing on Tuesday. The incident involved students from Morarji Desai Residential School in Mulabagilu, Kolar district, who were on an educational trip. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced Rs 5 lakh compensation for the families of the deceased.
Expressing his grief, the CM said, "I am deeply shocked to hear about the tragic incident involving the students of Morarji Desai Residential School, Mulabagilu taluk, Kolar district. My condolences to the bereaved families. The government will provide Rs 5 lakh compensation to the families who lost their children. I have instructed the Deputy Commissioner of Uttar Kannada to ensure arrangements to send the bodies to their native places."
The CM also stressed the importance of vigilance during trips. "Teachers must remain alert and ensure children's safety while visiting potentially dangerous places. I pray such tragedies never happen again," he said.
Local authorities said, "The incident occurred at Murudeshwara beach on Tuesday, involving 46 students and seven teachers on an educational trip. One student, Shravanthi Gopalappa (15) was confirmed dead on Tuesday. The bodies of three missing students Deeksha (15), Lavanya (15) and Vandana (15) were recovered on Wednesday."
"Local fishermen and lifeguards rescued three students Yashoda, Veekshana, and Lipika, who are currently undergoing treatment at RNS Hospital," local authorities added.
Deputy Commissioner K Lakshmi Priya and District Superintendent of Police M Narayana visited the site and the hospital to monitor the situation. They interacted with school staff, students, and rescuers to gather information.
The tragedy has sparked criticism of safety arrangements at Murudeshwara Beach. Locals involved in the rescue expressed frustration over the lack of basic facilities and equipment for lifeguards. Manjunath, a local rescuer, stated, "Despite the high tourist footfall here, lifeguards are not provided with essential tools, which delays and complicates rescue operations."
Residents are also demanding immediate steps to improve beach safety, including the deployment of additional lifeguards and proper infrastructure. The district administration also assured that the rescue operations will continue until the missing students are found.
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