Palwal: An exchange of fire took place between the Uttar Pradesh Police and three vehicle lifters in Palwal, Haryana. They were shot in the legs and arrested after a high-speed chase on National Highway 19. The incident took place on Sunday evening when the vehicle lifters, identified as Lakhan, and Ashishand Shakeel, residents of Pihani, Hardoi district, Uttar Pradesh, attempted to flee after lifting a driver’s vehicle.
The sequence of events began on December 28 when the driver, Ranveer, a resident of Kangna Bhuria village in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, was hijacked by three men while returning from a trip to Kundli Sonipat and Baghpat. The miscreants, who had initially sought a lift from him, tied him up at gunpoint near Palwal, pushed him out of his vehicle, and fled with the pickup truck, cash and mobile phone.
Ranveer managed to seek help from passersby on the expressway, but no one stopped. However, the Palwal police patrolling vehicle arrived at the scene and rescued him. After reporting the incident, the Palwal police informed their counterparts in Mathura, leading to a coordinated investigation.
On receiving information about the robbers fleeing towards Mathura, police officers from the Refinery Police Station and Krishna Nagar Police Post set up a blockade on National Highway 19. As they attempted to stop the fleeing vehicle, the robbers tried to run over the officers. When the miscreants opened fire on the police, the officers in retaliation opened fire at them, injuring them.
The arrested robbers were subsequently apprehended and brought to custody. Mathura police recovered three pistols, five empty cartridges and two live rounds from them. The robbers have been booked under various sections, including attempt to murder and robbery.
Mathura Refinery Police Station has initiated further legal action in the case