Rampur (Uttar Pradesh): A special court has rejected Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan's plea to club hearing of 27 cases related to alleged forced evictions. The Uttar Pradesh Police had filed separate charge sheets in the court for all cases after its investigation. In response, Khan's lawyer requested that the cases should be heard together in the court. He claimed that all these cases were of the same nature and related to the same incident.
After hearing both sides, Special MP-MLA Court Magistrate, Trial Shobhit Bansal, rejected the SP leader's plea. Now all these cases will be heard separately.
Background Of Cases
The cases were filed based on the complaints by farmers alleging that they were forced to transfer their land to the Jauhar University. They were also threatened with being booked in false cases and jailed. While presenting the cases in the court, Senior Prosecution Officer, Amarnath Tiwari, claimed that the FIR was registered at Azim Nagar Police Station in 2019 by 27 farmers of Aliganj.
He said that when Jauhar University was being built, Khan and the university trust members forced the farmers to vacate their land and make way for the university's construction. They were also threatened with false cases in case they refused to transfer their land.
Tiwari claimed that subsequently false cases were registered and thumb impressions of landowners were taken forcibly. Besides this, they were beaten up, and put in a lock-up while their land was taken. Notably, the plea to club the cases was submitted in the court by the Khan and other accused Abdullah Azam, Tanzeem Fatima and Ale Hasan.
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