Agra: Ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha election 2024, union Minister and sitting MP from Agra Lok Sabha seat, reserved for Scheduled Castes, SP Singh Baghel has landed in trouble after a complaint was lodged against him accusing him of possessing fake caste certificate, sources said.
It is learnt that Dr. Ambedkar Social Service Trust President Anil Soni has raised questions on the caste certificate of Union Minister SP Singh Baghel. Sources said that Soni lodged a formal complaint against Baghel to Agra Divisional Commissioner Ritu Maheshwari on Wednesday. In the complaint, the Dr Ambedkar Social Service Trust President has demanded to constitute a District Scrutiny Committee to examine the credentials of the Union Minister.
Soni alleged that the caste certificate of Union Minister of State for Scheduled Caste, SP Singh Baghel from Agra (reserved) Lok Sabha seat is fake. He further alleged that Baghel is taking advantage of reservation by misusing political influence in connivance with Tehsil employees and officials.
The complainant by Anil Soni alleges that the current BJP MP SP Singh Baghel passed 11th class on 4 August 1975 from Government Higher Secondary School, Vijawar, District Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh.
He said that his date of birth is recorded as 21 June 1960 in the student register and his caste as registered in his college certificate is Thakur which is also mentioned in his class 10th certificate from Ashok HSS School. Soni said that in 2015-16, SP Singh Baghel got the job of professor in the military department of Agra College on a post reserved for backward classes.
Complainant Anil Soni has told the Divisional Commissioner that till now he has got 38 Scheduled Caste certificates made in the name of Dhangar canceled. Following the complaint, the Election Commission has ordered the District Magistrate Agra to investigate the allegations.
Reacting to the allegations, Union Minister of State SP Singh Baghel said that similar complaints have been being made for the last 10 years. “Such complaints had been made earlier also which were found to be false,” he said.