Hyderabad: Busting a major cyber crime racket, the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TGCSB) on Wednesday apprehended seven cybercriminals in Rajasthan who were allegedly operating a nationwide syndicate to dupe people. The arrests were made following investigation launched on the basis of intelligence gathered during the capture of 27 cybercriminals in the state in September last year.
As per police sources, the arrested individuals have been identified as Saurabh Singh (22), a delivery boy; Devendra Kumar Saran (25), a grocery store manager; Rahul Vaishnav (19), a student from Pali district; Nitin Sisodia (25), Naveen Kumar (22), and Kuldeep Meena (21), students; and Sahil Khan (24), a textile trader, all hailing from Jaipur.
The cyber security bureau found involvement of these criminals in 2,223 cybercrime cases across the country, including 189 cases in Telangana alone, with an estimated Rs 9 crore gained illicitly. During investigation, it was found that some of the fraudsters had withdrawn the proceeds of these crimes from ATMs and handed the money over to other members of the gang.
The latest arrests were part of a follow-up operation targeting those who had escaped earlier. Under the supervision of TGCSB Director Shikha Goel and SP Devendra Singh, two teams led by DSPs Suryaprakash and Venugopal Reddy, were deployed to Jaipur and Jodhpur, leading to capture of these cyber criminals.
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