Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, a techie (24) died after falling into an uncovered water tank at his hostel in Gachi Bowli of Hyderabad. The deceased was identified as Sheikh Akmal Sufiyan (24). In a video that was shared on X, the youth can be seen entering the hostel carrying groceries and after taking a few steps, he stumbles and plunges into the tank and as a result, his chin collides with the concrete rim of the opening.
Soon after the incident, a kid living in a nearby building sensed that somebody had fallen into the tank and alerted a man on the hostel premises. In turn, the man peeped into the water sump, but did not find anyone and he went on with his work.
In the evening, the people checked the CCTV footage and found Sufuyan in the sump. By the time his body was retrieved, he was dead.
On receiving the information, the Raidurgam police reached the spot and recovered the body. Later, they registered a case against Mahender Reddy, who runs the PG hostel, for negligence that led to the death of a youth as he had left the tank open. Netizens cried foul over the incident and flayed the negligence of those who were responsible for the incident.
Read more: Youth Dies In Telangana's Khammam After Falling Into Tank While Fleeing From Finance Agents