Khammam (Telangana): In a tragic incident reported from Telangana, a man who was talking on a mobile phone accidentally put an electric heater in his armpit and died of shock in Khammam district of Telangnana on Sunday, an official said. The deceased has been identified as Mahesh Babu (40), who deals in coconuts near the Hanuman temple on the bank of the local canal in Khammam.
Divulging further details into the incident, Inspector Ramesh of the three-town police station said that at around 8.30 pm on Sunday, Mahesh Babu was going to turn on the heater for hot water to bathe his pet dog. In the meantime, Mahesh Babu's phone rang. In a jiffy, Baby put the heater in his armpit instead of in the water and switched it on. Due to the mix-up, Mahesh Babu got electrocuted and fell on the ground. His nine-year-old daughter Shabanya, who was nearby, ran screaming in fear. Alarmed by the girl's screams, Mahesh Babu's wife Durga Devi, and the locals rushed Mahesh Babu to the hospital. However, the doctors, who received Babu at the hospital declared that he was already dead. Mahesh Babu is survived by his wife and two daughters.
The tragic incident came as a warning sign for those who are in the habit of talking on the phone while doing other work.