Sitapur: Assailants fired several rounds at the house of the BJP Mandal president in Behra village under Sandana Police jurisdiction here late on Saturday night in which the wife of the president sustained injury. BJP leader Surendra Awasthi was not home during the incident. Six persons have been arrested in connection with the matter and a thorough probe has been launched.
Awasthi is currently visiting the Tirupati Balaji temples and his wife, mother and other members were at home when the shots were fired, injuring his wife.
On getting information about the incident, ASP Dr Praveen Ranjan and other top officials reached the spot and took stock of the situation. Police registered a named case against several accused in relation to the matter. Police have arrested all the six accused involved in the incident including Biru Mishra, a resident of Johriamau village and his sons Karan and Aman.
"Sitapur - In the incident that took place last night in village Behra of police station Sandana, no one has any injury/scratch due to aerial firing, a case has been registered and 06 accused have been taken into custody, licensed pistol is in possession," Sitapur Police shared on X handle.
#Sitapur-थाना संदना के ग्राम बेहड़ा में बीती रात हुई घटना में हवाई फायरिंग से किसी भी व्यक्ति को कोई चोट/खरोंच नही है,अभियोग पंजीकृत कर कुल 06 आरोपियो को हिरासत में लिया गया है,लाइसेन्सी पिस्टल कब्जे में है। @Igrangelucknow
— Sitapur Police (@sitapurpolice) November 17, 2024
प्रकरण में #ASP_South डॉ.प्रवीन रंजन की बाइट-#UPPolice
Ranjan said the situation was assessed after reaching the spot. The woman has been sent for a medical examination. All the accused involved in the incident have been apprehended. Information is being gathered about the reason why they opened fire.
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