Gopalganj (Bihar): Bihar Police on Friday apprehended a man and seized over 11 quintals of silver worth Rs one crore from him, police officials said. The incident took place near the Balthari checkpost of the Kuchaykot police station area of Gopalganj, they said.
Police officials said that when a bus was searched during a regular vehicle check, a large amount of silver jewellery was recovered from a passenger. The man, identified as Munna Kumar, a resident of Sitamarhi has been arrested and sent to judicial custody, they added.
Kuchaykot police station in-charge Sunil Kumar said during regular vehicle checking when a bus was stopped and searched, around 1118.420 kg of silver-like metal was recovered from the bus cabin in sacks. A person named Munna Kumar has been apprehended in connection with it."
During the interrogation, when the arrested accused was asked for the papers of the silver, he did not show any papers and said that he was taking the silver from Mathura to Sitamarhi.
“After investigating the matter, further action will be taken on the instructions of senior officials,” said Sunil Kumar, Station House Officer (SHO), Kuchaykot.
Earlier, police had seized four kg of silver on August 27 and 28 kg on August 24. Five months ago, the officials had seized 60 kg of silver jewellery which was recovered from a bus heading from Delhi. Currently, the Income Tax Department has been informed of the investigation of the seized silver jewellery.
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