Jaipur: A woman was dragged outside her house, allegedly stripped naked and beaten up by her husband and his family members in Rajasthan's Jaipur district. A CCTV footage of the incident has also surfaced. Police have arrested nine people, including four women, in this connection.
The incident took place on September 20 in Manak Chowk police station area of Jaipur. Based on the victim's complaint, a case was registered by the Manak Chowk police station on the next day and investigations were initiated.
Manak Chowk police station officer Guru Bhupendra said the victim, a resident of Chowra Rasta in Jaipur, has lodged a complaint against 20 people, including her husband and in-laws, for publicly beating and stripping her on the night of September 20. She said that her assaulters snatched away her gold chain and other jewellery while abusing and threatening to kill her, Bhupendra said.
In her complaint, the victim said that while she was being stripped and beaten on the roads, people of the locality had gathered as mute spectators. She told police that although she screamed out for help, no one had the courage to intervene.
The victim has alleged that after assaulting her, she was taken to Bassi area in a car. Here, some people took her to Bassi police station. When she reported the incident, officials at Bassi police station sent her to Manak Chowk police station.
After this, a case was registered at Manak Chowk police station on 21 September and investigations were initiated, police added.
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