Rampur Bushahr (Himachal Pradesh): In a recent devastating flood caused by a cloudburst in Shimla's Samej district, 76-year-old Prem Chand tragically lost his wife, Nevta Devi, 65. Prem Chand recounted to ETV Bharat how their house was inundated amid incessant rainfall. Despite his efforts to save his wife Nevta Devi proved futile. Hence, Prem Chand managed to escape by climbing up with the help of a wood log while his wife and their house were swept away before his eyes. The elderly couple had lived in Samej village for about 40 years, running a small tea shop to sustain themselves. They have a married daughter.
In another tragic incident in the village of Kandri, Jaipal lost his wife and children to the flood. Jaipal's wife, who worked on a hydropower project, and their two children, a five-year-old daughter and a three-year-old son were at home when the disaster struck. All were swept away along with their house. The twin cloudbursts occurred on July 31 in two separate locations, leading to significant destruction and loss of life.
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