Jabalpur: The Madhya Pradesh High Court on Monday stayed illegal uploading, editing, sharing, using and morphing of videos of live streaming of court proceedings on social media platforms. A division bench comprising Chief Justice SK Kait and Justice Vivek Jain also issued notices to the Union and state governments, the High Court's Registrar General, Meta Platforms Inc., YouTube and X on a petition demanding the removal of such videos from social media platforms.
Dr Vijay Bajaj, a Damoh-based businessman, filed the petition against illegal uploading, sharing, and transmission of videos of live streaming of court claiming it violates Madhya Pradesh High Court Live Streaming Rules, his counsel Utkarsh Agrawal said.
"The petition also seeks direction from the court for recovery of money earned by individuals via viewership from social media platforms by illegally sharing videos of live streaming of court proceedings. Certain videos illegally uploaded violating the copyright exclusively with the HC were submitted," he said.
Additionally, the petition called for the removal of these clips from social media. After considering the petition, the division bench imposed an immediate ban on the editing and uploading of High Court live streams on YouTube and all other online media platforms.
Advocates Mukesh Kumar Agarwal and Utkarsh Agarwal argued on behalf of the petitioner.