Bhopal: Due to public sentiments, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav announced the change of names of three villages in Ujjain district. "Gajnikhedi Panchayat will now be named Chamunda Mata village. Similarly, Jahangirpur will now be known as Jagdishpur and Maulana village will be known as Vikram Nagar," he said.
Addressing a function after inaugurating the CM Rise School building in Badnagar in Ujjain district, the chief minister said that villages and towns would be named considering public sentiments. Yadav said the late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was an alumnus of the school that was developed as CM Rise School.
"This school will be named after Vajpayee," he said. Union Minister Pralhad Joshi also attended the inaugural programme. Joshi said the Madhya Pradesh government has done a great job in the field of education by working on the concept of CM Rise School.
"Such an investment for improving educational quality is not seen in any other state," he said. The school is constructed at the cost of Rs 40 crore. The Union minister hailed the construction of a floating solar power plant in Omkareshwar dam, saying MP will become a power surplus state. Joshi said India will soon become the third-largest economy in the world.