Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday inaugurated a 21-storey TIDEL Park in Pattabiram near Avadi, boosting growth in northern parts of Chennai along with creating employment opportunities for 6,000 professionals.
This is the third full-fledged TIDEL Park after Rajiv Gandhi Salai in Chennai and the one in Coimbatore. Spanning across a total area of 5.57 lakh square feet, the park has been set up at a cost of Rs 33 crore. It has round-the-clock electricity, a seminar hall, fitness centre, restaurants, parking space and a host of other facilities.
Taking to his X handle, Stalin lauded former CM M Karunanidhi, saying it was he who laid the foundation for the state's IT revolution by inaugurating the first TIDEL Park in Chennai in 2000.
In 2000, Thalaivar Kalaignar laid the foundation for Tamil Nadu's IT revolution by inaugurating the first TIDEL Park in Chennai.
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) November 22, 2024
Today, I proudly inaugurated a towering 21-storey TIDEL Park at Avadi (Pattabiram), creating opportunities for 6,000 professionals and boosting growth…
Stalin said that the newly inaugurated state-of-the-art TIDEL Park along with other Neo TIDEL Parks in tier-II and tier-III cities reflect the 'Dravidian Model's' vision of inclusive and equitable development for Tamil Nadu. This is the third largest park of the state and will create 6,000 jobs, he added.
A TIDEL Park aims at fostering growth of information technology. The first TIDEL Park that was inaugurated by Tamil Nadu government in 2000 is a 13-storied building, a joint venture of TIDCO and ELCOT.
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