Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh): In another heart-wrenching incident in Naubasta, a Maulana of a mosque was arrested by police on Sunday, April 14, for raping a 14-year-old girl for a span of four months. The minor girl eventually became pregnant and to control damage, the accused gave her abortion pills.
Following this, the teenager's condition worsened on Eid. The girl, scared and humiliated, told her family members about how she was sexually abused by the Maulana over four months. The family members took cognisance of the matter and admitted the victim to the hospital.
On the complaint of the family members, police registered a case and arrested the maulana, Sonu Hafiz, taking him into custody. Hafiz lives in front of the victim's house and is appointed as a Maulana in a local mosque.
As per the statement of the victim, Hafiz lured her with expensive food items, and then later raped her. When the girl became pregnant with his child, he forcefully gave her abortion pills, worsening the condition of the minor girl.
The minor's mother, resident of the Naubasta area of Kanpur South, told that her husband is a daily wage labourer. "I stay at home with the children. Seeing my husband's stringent financial condition, neighbours often give him food and drinks out of pity. Sonu, the local Maulana lives in front of my house and often called my child to his house on the pretext of giving her food items. Little did I know that he was raping my child." she added
The mother alleged that her minor daughter was mentally drained after the incident and barely spoke to anyone at home. "On the day of Eid, Hafiz gave her abortion medicines because of which she fell sick. Once we came to know about the incident, we admitted her to a hospital and lodged a case at the police station," she added.
Naubasta police station in-charge, Jagdish Pandey said that a case has been registered against Sonu under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), 2012, and other relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code. "The accused has been caught and will be presented before the court soon. Investigation is underway," he added.
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