Lucknow: In a shocking incident, a man allegedly killed his wife and two children in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, the police said on Sunday. The incident took place at Sarwan Nagar of Bijnor in the state’s capital, they said. The accused has been identified as Ram, a resident of the Balrampur district, who used to live in a rented house in the Lagan area.
Landlord Virendra Gautam said that Ram and his family shifted to the house 15 days ago. “When I came to my house on Saturday evening, I experienced a foul smell emanating from the house. We then cleaned our house, but the smell remained there. On the next day, I went to the second floor of the house, which we gave on rent, and when I peeped through the window I saw blood in the room and informed the police,” he added.
On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and broke the door to enter the house. The police found the deceased woman identified as Jyoti lying in the room while her two children (aged between three years and six years) were lying inside a sack in their rented room and shifted the bodies to the hospital for post-mortem.
The police then started an investigation and arrested the absconding accused. The reason behind carrying out the crime is yet to be ascertained. On receiving the information about the incident, Bijnor Police Station in-charge Arvind Singh Rana, assistant commissioner of police (ACP) Krishna Nagar Vinay Kumar Dwivedi, additional deputy commissioner of police (ADCP) south Shashank Singh reached the spot and investigated the spot.
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