Mumbai: Maharashtra Cyber, which is probing the case of a manipulated video of Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis's recent speech on Naxalism, has identified the man who first posted it on a social messaging platform, and summoned him for questioning, officials said.
Police last week registered a case against 12 unidentified social media users for posting or sharing a maliciously edited video of the chief minister's speech. The police have identified the man who first posted the video in a WhatsApp group. He has been identified as Padmakar Ambolkar, a resident of Worli in central Mumbai, an official said on Wednesday.
"Ambolkar has been summoned for questioning on Thursday in connection with the case. It will help trace the chain of dissemination and determine the origin of the objectionable material," he said. His name came to light during the probe of an individual identified as Varad Tukaram Kanki, a resident of Worli, the official said.
Kanki was questioned for his involvement in circulating the objectionable content. His mobile device was seized. During its examination, it was found to be containing the manipulated video that has been widely circulated, he said. "As per the preliminary probe, Kanki received the video through a WhatsApp group.
During the investigation, Ambolkar was found to be the individual who first posted the video in a WhatsApp group," he said. Efforts are underway by the Maharashtra cyber department to identify the remaining accused involved in the case. Their activities on social media are being scrutinised, and those found involved in the case will be summoned for questioning, the official said.
The department is committed to uncovering the real identity behind these malicious acts and ensuring accountability for their attempts to disturb public order, he added. Maharashtra Cyber is an information security division operating under aegis of the state home department.