Bengaluru: Ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha election 2024, authorities in Karnataka on Monday April 8 seized a total of Rs 2.68 crore in cash, three kg of gold jewelry worth Rs 7.06 crore, 68 kg of silver and 103 kg of old silver in the state, official sources said.
The cash and jewelry were seized by various investigation teams monitoring the election irregularities on Monday.
An official said that after the implementation of the code of conduct in the background of the Lok Sabha elections, so far Rs 288 crore worth of items including cash worth Rs 44.09 crore have been seized in the state. The seized items include 1.39 crore liters of liquor worth Rs 134 crore, 339 kg of drugs worth Rs 9.54 crore, 19 kg of gold worth Rs 10.56 crore, and 230 kg of silver worth Rs 69.23 lakh, the office of the Chief Electoral Officer Karnataka said.
Recently, 3 kg gold, 68 kg silver, 103 kg old silver, 5.60 lakh rupees in cash worth Rs 7.06 crore were seized in Bellary Lok Sabha constituency. The Chief Electoral Officer informed that 1,411 fan accessories worth Rs 10 lakh were seized in Bangalore North constituency and Rs 2.62 crore in cash was seized in Bangalore Central constituency.
Pertinently, the Bengaluru Police on Sunday April 7 seized unaccounted cash worth Rs 5.60 crore along with a huge amount of gold and silver ornaments worth Rs 2 crore from the house of the owner of Hema jewelry Shop in Kambali Bazaar.