Alappuzha: In an unprecedented move, the Kerala Motor Vehicle Department (MVD) on Saturday suspended the driving license of YouTuber Sanju Techy, a month after he was booked for traffic violation after he uploaded a video on his social media page showing him riding through the busy roads with a makeshift swimming pool inside his car.
The Alappuzha Road Transport Office (RTO), Enforcement took serious note of the viral video and Sanju was given time to submit his explanations. However after examination, his explanations were dismissed and action has been taken against him.
Also, to confirm whether he is a repeat traffic violator or not, the department examined his old videos that were uploaded on his YouTube channel. However, the department concluded that Sanju was repeatedly violating traffic rules and was a habitual offender. Based on the videos, disciplinary action was taken against Sanju and his friends, who were part of the controversial ride.
In the videos, Sanju and his friends are seen travelling through the busy roads taking dip in the makeshift swimming pool. After the video went viral there were widespread allegations against MVD for allowing such kind of traffic violations in public.
After which, Sanju was summoned by the MVD and a case was registered against him. As part of punishment, Sanju and his three friends were sent for voluntary service at Alappuzha Medical College and training at the Institute of Driving Training and Research in Malappuram.
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