Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala State Lottery Department has announced the results of the much-awaited Pooja Bumper BR-100 Lottery at Gorky Bhavan, near Bakery Junction, in Thiruvananthapuram. The jackpot-winning ticket, JC 325526, worth an incredible Rs 12 crore, was purchased at Jayakumar Lotteries, located near the KSRTC bus stand in Kollam. The agent for this ticket will receive a commission of Rs 1.2 crore, bringing the total payout for the winner to Rs 12.12 crore.
Introduced by Kerala's Finance Minister, KN Balagopal, on October 9, 2024, the Pooja Bumper has generated significant excitement, with a total of 40 lakh tickets being issued. These tickets, priced at Rs 300 each, are divided into five unique series. In addition to the top prize, the Kerala Pooja Bumper Lottery was also awarded to several other significant prizes.
The second prize of Rs 1 crore each was awarded to the following ticket numbers:
S.No | Ticket No. |
1 | JA 378749 |
2 | JB 939547 |
3 | JC 616613 |
4 | JD 211004 |
5 | JE 584418 |
The third prize of Rs 10 lakh each went to the following winners:
S.No | Ticket No. |
1 | JA 865014 |
2 | JB 219120 |
3 | JC 453056 |
4 | JD 495570 |
5 | JE 200328 |
The fourth prize of Rs 3 lakh each was awarded to:
S.No | Ticket No. |
1 | JA 865014 |
2 | JB 219120 |
3 | JC 453056 |
4 | JD 495570 |
5 | JE 200328 |
The fifth prize of Rs 2 lakh each went to:
S.No | Ticket No. |
1 | JA 759527 |
2 | JB 911608 |
3 | JC 821081 |
4 | JD 878866 |
5 | JE 156782 |
Participants also won smaller prizes of Rs 5,000, Rs 1,000, Rs 500, and Rs 300. The lottery, which generated significant excitement across Kerala, offered a total prize pool of Rs 70 crore, with over 40 lakh tickets issued. Each ticket priced at Rs 300, was divided into five unique series. The draw, held at Gory Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram was live-streamed for participants and lottery enthusiasts to follow.
The Kerala Pooja Bumper also includes special consolation prizes, with a total of Rs 1 lakh awarded to certain lucky participants.
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