Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday announced that his government will construct 100 houses for victims of landslide-hit Wayanad. Taking to the social media post 'X', Siddaramaiah said in light of the tragic landslide in Wayanad, Karnataka stands in solidarity with Kerala.
"I have assured CM Shri @pinarayivijayan of our support and announced that Karnataka will construct 100 houses for the victims. Together, we will rebuild and restore hope," he said.
In light of the tragic landslide in Wayanad, Karnataka stands in solidarity with Kerala. I have assured CM Shri @pinarayivijayan of our support and announced that Karnataka will construct 100 houses for the victims. Together, we will rebuild and restore hope.
— Siddaramaiah (@siddaramaiah) August 3, 2024
Sharing Siddaramaiah's post on 'X', Congress leader and former Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi said he is deeply grateful to the people and the government of Karnataka for their generous support during these difficult times in Wayanad.
"Your commitment to building 100 houses for the victims of the tragic landslide is a significant step towards rehabilitation efforts. The compassion and solidarity of Indians are the strengths that Wayanad needs right now," he added. Gandhi and his sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had visited the landslide-affected area of Chooralmala in Wayanad on Thursday.
Vadra too thanked Chief Minister Siddaramaiah for Karnataka's gesture. "Thank you, to @siddaramaiah Ji and the people of Karnataka for this gesture of compassion and humanity," she posted on 'X'.
Thousands of people are suspected to be missing, and rescue operators are battling adverse conditions, including waterlogged soil, as they search through destroyed homes and buildings after the massive landslides that hit Wayanad district in the small hours of July 30.
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