Jashpur: A student along with his girlfriend were picked up by the Kotwali Police on the charge of killing their friend with a hammer and a knife in Jashpur of Chhattisgarh for secretly passing on information to the student's mother about his drinking habit and the girlfriend. The accused student stays in Jashpur while his mother is a teacher in Madhya Pradesh.
Police said after trying to kill his friend who was asleep under the influence of alcohol, the accused reached his girlfriend's place to narrate the gruesome incident. The girl solicited him to dispose of the body to evade arrest. The duo returned to the crime scene only to discover that the friend was still alive. They used the weapons to kill him and stuffed the body in a sack before throwing it in the locality. The duo has been arrested and produced in court.
ASP Anil Soni said the deceased and his killer stayed together for study and the deceased used to periodically inform the mother of the accused about his activities. When the disappointed mother stopped giving money as a monthly expense to the accused, the latter became suspicious of his friend and checked his phone for confirmation. Upon checking, the call and message details between the mother and the deceased came to light which infuriated the murderer who used a hammer and a pickaxe to kill him.
Soni said both the delinquent boy and his minor girlfriend were protected and presented in the juvenile court after registering a case under Sections 103 (1), 61 (2) and 238 of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). Both have been sent to the juvenile correction home.
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