Agra: After the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Uttar Pradesh government submitted its report into the July 2 stampede during the satsang of Narayan Sakar Hari alias Bhole Baba in Sikandrarao of Hathras, the Yogi Adityanath led BJP government has suspended six officers including the SDM and Circle Officer for their alleged negligence in performing their duties.
It is learnt that the suspended officers also include a Tehsildar, a station officer and two outpost in-charges. The officers have been suspended on the recommendation of the report by the SIT submitted on Monday evening.
The SIT headed by ADG Anupam Kulshrestha was formed by CM Yogi Adityanath on July 3 a day after at least 123 people were killed during the stampede during the satsang of Narayan Sakar Hari alias Bhole Baba in Sikandrarao of Hathras. The SIT Chairman ADG Agra Zone Anupam Kulshesh and his team talked to all the concerned officers and employees as well as the family members of the sevadar besides the family members of the victims of the stampede and recorded their statements. The SIT has recorded statements of more than 100 people in the case so far. Besides the SIT, the UP government has also formed a judicial commission to probe the incident.
On 4 July, Hathras Police arrested six sevadars in connection with the case. Besides, police have announced a bounty of Rs 1 lakh on the main sevadar Devprakash Madhukar.