Hisar: Bengal Police officials faced hostility from locals in Haryana's Hisar when they chased a person accused of theft in the town on Sunday. All hell broke loose when Mahavir Colony residents attacked the police team in the presence of local police officials. Taking advantage of the situation, the accused fled from the spot, police said.
According to Hisar Police, an Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) was injured in the attack and they have launched a search to nab the absconding accused. "On Sunday, five officials of Bengal Police led by Sub Inspector Kishore Kumar Das. They contacted the HTM Police Station. ASI Vinod Kumar, who was attached to the 12 Quarter chowky joined the Bengal Police team to nab the accused," police said.
"The team reached the Mahavir Colony at around 1 PM and apprehended the accused Sandeep. When the police officials were taking Sandeep with them, chaos erupted. The kin of the accused along with the locals gathered in the Colony and started opposing the police. They argued with the police to release Sandeep. However, the police were adamant in taking the accused with them. A scuffle broke out between the locals and the police in which the locals attacked the police," they said.
Police said ASI Vinod Kumar sustained minor injuries and a case under the relevant section of the BNS has been registered.