Hyderabad: In a major breakthrough against illegal immigration, Police have detained four Bangladeshi nationals living illegally in Khammam district of Telangana on the basis of fake Aadhar cards obtained through forged documents, police said on Sunday. It has been revealed that all of them have obtained various certificates including Aadhaar with fake documents with two of them also getting passports issued in their favour.
Divulging further details into the matter, Khammam Police Commissioner Sunil Dutt identified the accused as Mohammad Noornabi (Sheikh Noornabi) (32), Mohammad Sagar (Boda Sagar) (24), Sheikh Zameer (Mohammed Zameer) (30) and Mohammad Aminur Mandal (26)-all residents of Bangladesh. Dutt said that Shaguri Khatoon. Living under the pseudonym of Shilpa, the sister of the first two, came to Mumbai illegally from Bangladesh many years ago and lived with Boda Ramulu, a resident of Khammam. A baby was born to them.
Later, Shilpa went to Bangladesh and illegally brought her brothers Noornabi and Mohammad Sagar to India. Later, she managed an Aadhaar card for Sagar by naming Boda Ramulu and Shilpa as his parents, police said. The accused later moved to Khammam Srinivasanagar and were making a living with catering work. Their siblings' cousin Zameer, the third accused also infiltrated into India, police said.
Mandal, the fourth accused, also came to Bengaluru less than 11 years ago and later reached Khammam Srinivasanagar through a friend, added police. Police said that all four accused got Aadhaar cards and voter cards with fake residence documents to live in Khammam as Indian nationals.