Gir Somnath (Gujarat): Drugs worth crores have been seized from Gujarat's Veraval port on Friday. According to official sources, Gujarat Police recovered as many as 50 Kilograms of narcotics sealed in packets worth Rs 350 crore. The police raided Naliya Goli shore of Veraval port and seized the contraband items from a fishing boat. At least nine, including three main accused have been arrested in this case. Further investigation is on in this case, sources said.
According to officials, the operation was successfully completed jointly by the Special Operations Group (SOG) and Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) team. Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) reports revealed that the seized drug is heroin.
Officials said, "Based on a tip-off, our teams raided a fishing boat and recovered 50 kg of heroin. At least Nine crew members onboard the Veraval-registered boat were arrested.
Minister of State for Home, Harsh Sanghavi in a post on X said, "Gujarat Police got another big success in the campaign against drugs - ₹ Drugs worth Rs 350 crore seized. Gujarat Police raided Naliya Goli shore of Veraval port ₹ Seized 50 kg sealed packets of heroin drugs worth Rs 350 crore and took action.
"The operation was successfully completed jointly by the SOG and NDPS team. Under this operation, 9 accused including three main accused have been arrested. Due to the vigilance of Gujarat Police, this huge campaign against drugs is moving towards a new level of success," the post further read.
The minister congratulated the Gir Somnath police for their successful operation against the drug trade and said, "Many congratulations and thanks to Gir Somnath Police Department for the successful campaign to eradicate drugs."