Dholpur (Rajasthan): On Sunday, four girls of Bothpura village who went to take bath in Parvati river were washed away. The Police personnel and SDRF team have reached the spot and began efforts to rescue the girls. The incident has created panic in the area. Police station in-charge Naresh Sharma said that on the occasion of Rishi Panchami, a group of girls from the village had gone to take bath in the river, out of which four girls drowned in the river.
The SDRF search operation is going on to rescue the girls. According to the information, a group of about 20 girls from Botha Pura village had gone to take bath in the Parvati river on the occasion of Rishi Panchami. All the girls were bathing in the river. During this, the accident took place.
The girls who were swept away were identified as Mohini, 14 years old daughter of Suresh, Priya, 12 years old daughter of Raju, and Tanu, 10 years old, and Anjali, 14 years old, both daughters of Kamal Singh. Other girls present there tried to save them, but the high velocity of water in the river obstructed their efforts.
A huge crowd of villagers gathered at the spot. On receiving the information, police station in-charge Naresh Sharma also reached the spot. SDRF and self-defense teams have been called from the district headquarters. SDRF had also started a search operation to rescue the four girls. Of the missing girls, Anjali and Tanu are sisters.
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