New Delhi: Two sisters in East Delhi's Vasundhara Enclave allegedly assaulted a former Uttar Pradesh DSP, Ashok Sharma, and his family after the former DSP asked the sisters to stop honking their car horns on Saturday evening. A complaint has been filed with the police.
Former DSP of Uttar Pradesh, Ashok Sharma, lives in Anekant Apartments with his wife and two daughters. Ashok Sharma is a cancer patient currently undergoing treatment at AIIMS Hospital. According to the residents of the society, on Friday night, two sisters, Bhavya Jain and Chhavi Jain, who live in the same society, were instructed not to honk their horns loudly. Angered by this, the sisters caused a disturbance and even attempted to harm Ashok Sharma and his family.
When Ashok Sharma's daughter asked both sisters about the attack on her father late Saturday evening, they became furious and confronted Ashok Sharma's family with a knife. The people of the society who reached on time after hearing the noise intervened. Some people in the neighbourhood have also been injured in this attack.
Both sisters fled in the car, hitting a scooter rider and dragging his scooter to Noida. Fortunately, the scooter rider survived.
The residents of the society said that the sisters have a history of quarrelsome behaviour, having previously taken a security guard hostage and assaulted him. Ashok Sharma, who's undergoing treatment for cancer at AIIMS, and his family are shaken by the incident.
The police have taken both sisters into custody and are investigating the matter. A resident described the incident as "shocking and disturbing," expressing gratitude that no one was killed.