New Delhi: The Delhi High Court is scheduled to pass an order later in the day on a plea by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's aide Bibhav Kumar, challenging his arrest in connection with the alleged assault on AAP MP Swati Maliwal. Justice Neena Bansal Krishna will pronounce the order at 2:30 pm, according to the cause list uploaded on the court's website.
Contending that his arrest was illegal, Kumar's counsel had said there was a delay in lodging the FIR and he was arrested on May 18, the day he gave an application to the police to voluntarily join the investigation. The plea was opposed by the police, which had submitted that Kumar was not arrested "in haste" and that it had not faulted in any manner.
The court reserved the order on Kumar's plea on July 8 after hearing arguments on behalf of both sides. Kumar, currently in judicial custody, allegedly assaulted Maliwal at Kejriwal's official residence on May 13. He was arrested on May 18.
The FIR against Kumar was registered on May 16 under Indian Penal Code provisions related to criminal intimidation, destruction of evidence, assault or criminal force on a woman with the intent to disrobe and attempt to commit culpable homicide. His bail plea was earlier dismissed by the trial court and the high court and is pending before the Supreme Court.