New Delhi: In the run-up to the assembly elections, scheduled in 2025, Delhi Congress president Devendra Yadav made it clear on Friday that the party will not ally with the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and contest on its own. The announcement comes after the parties lost seven seats to BJP despite fighting together in the Lok Sabha elections in 2024.
Yadav said Congress will now learn from past experiences and plans to improve its performance on its own instead of banking on the allies. The party has started taking feedback about the potential candidates, which makes it clear that the Congress is working seriously on its poll strategy.
According to Yadav, if Congress had not allied with AAP in previous elections, it could have performed better and could have won one or two seats.
"The Nyay Yatra in the assembly constituencies shows that there is a huge anti-APP wave among the electors. In such a situation, why should we bear the burden of public anger against the ruling party?" he said.
The grand old party is planning to organise a show of strength in all 70 assembly seats on December 6 after completing the Nyay Yatra, to be attended by senior leaders.
"We have started the process of shortlisting the names of candidates at the district level and taking feedback from our district-level leaders," Yadav said.
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