Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin launched the Tamil Pudhalvan, a flagship programme of DMK government, in Coimbatore on Friday, August 9. Under this scheme, monthly assistance worth Rs 1,000 will be given to boys who pursue higher education after completing their education in government-run schools.
For the current fiscal year, the state government has already set aside Rs 360 crore to implement the programme. Similar financial aid for girls was previously introduced by the CM under the scheme "Pudhumai Penn."
After completing their studies in government-run institutions, girls who are pursuing further education would receive Rs 1,000 per month under this initiative. The recipients of the Tamil Pudhalvan scheme ought to continue their education in in TN and the course should be recognised by the government.
The program is not available to those taking correspondence courses or attending schools that the government has not recognised. The government has released comprehensive rules for the programme's implementation in addition to the funding distribution.
'Tamil Pudhalvan' and 'Pudhumai Penn' schemes were designed and introduced to support and encourage students to continue higher education, according to a statement issued by the Chief Minister's Office. Following the September 5, 2022, introduction of the "Pudhumai Penn" plan, almost 2.09 lakh female students benefited in 2022–2023 and an additional 64,231 in 2024.
As per an official statement, 7.72 lakh students in TN finish their 12th grade each year. The state has a higher education gross enrollment ratio than the national average. Some people have said that the scheme is a great initiative but to get the best out of the scheme, vacancies in teacher posts in colleges must be filled at the earliest.
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