Raipur: Two CoBRA commandos of the CRPF were injured in the exchange of fire with Naxals on Monday as they were securing a forward base established in a remote jungle area of Sukma district in Chhattisgarh, officials said. The incident took place at the Gomguda forward operating base (FOB) of the Central Reserve Police Force. The FOB belongs to the 241st battalion of the paramilitary force.
Two commandos of the specialised jungle warfare unit of the force -- CoBRA -- battalion number 206 have been injured in the exchange of fire with Naxals, the officials said. They have been rushed to a nearby medical facility, they said, adding the troops mounted effective retaliation.
The CRPF is continuously establishing FOBs inside deep and remote jungle areas to take on Maoists and undertake operations against them in those areas which are unchartered in the south Bastar region of the state, about 400 km from the capital Raipur. The Union government has declared that it aims to end the Naxal menace by March 2026 from the country.
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