Sakti: On the last day of 2024, a strange incident surfaced in a village in Chhattisgarh's Sakti district, where a class 11 student locked herself inside a temple for meditation, threatening to end her life if disturbed before two days.
Confused as to what to do, villagers gathered around the temple while teams from the district administration and police also rushed to the spot. However, villagers prevented the officials from entering the temple, fearing that the girl might take some drastic step.
The incident took place in Devarghata village in Sakti on Monday. Before locking herself, the girl had thrown out a piece of paper informing that she is a Lord Shiva's devotee and would perform 'sadhana' for two days. She wrote that nobody should disturb her during this period and if anyone attempted to barge into the temple then she would end her life.
The incident initially triggered a chaos in the village but with passing hours villagers became tensed, unable to understand as to how to handle the situation. Villagers said the girl has kept herself locked inside the temple since Monday evening.
On information, a team from the Sakti police station reached the village last night. However, villagers prevented the police personnel from entering the temple fearing that the girl might harm herself.
Police refused to speak to mediapersons.
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