Raipur: A 50-year-old woman was allegedly raped by a bus driver at an inter-state bus stand in Raipur after he had spiked her food, police said on Saturday. Based on the woman's complaint a case was registered at Tikrapara police station and the accused was arrested, they said.
According to police, the woman had come to Raipur three days ago and was staying at the bus stand. She had also eaten food offered by the accused, who reportedly had spiked it.
The incident took place at Bhatgaon inter-state bus stand on Friday midnight. After registering the woman's complaint, police arrested the accused and detained a suspect, who was later released after interrogation. The driver is currently being questioned.
"Based on the complaint, the bus driver was arrested under Section 376 of BNS on Saturday morning. Further action is on. Another suspect was caught along with the driver but he was released after interrogation," Dhirendra Banjare, sub inspector, Tikrapara police station said.
Investigations have revealed that the woman had been staying at the Bhatgaon inter-state bus stand ever since she arrived in Raipur three days back. The incident has raised security concerns as thousands of passengers come to board buses daily and there is adequate security arrangements here.
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