Bengaluru: The Bengaluru police successfully located a girl missing from the Vyalikaval police station limits, near Devaiya Park, and returned her to her parents. According to police, the woman who took the child was suffering from mental illness, and they apprehended her for questioning.
The incident occurred on Thursday on Pipeline Road in Malleswaram, when the woman took a two-and-a-half-year-old toddler. The girl went missing around 9:20 AM while her parents were preparing to send their eldest child to school.
CCTV footage captured an unidentified woman luring the child, who was playing outside the house, by speaking to her. A case was registered at the Vyalikaval police station based on the complaint filed by the parents.
In a similar incident Nakhasa Police on Wednesday arrested an unmarried couple after a newborn girl was found buried in a heap of garbage in Manni Kheda Village near Sambhal in Uttar Pradesh. According to police, the couple buried their newborn baby out of fear of public shaming.
Villagers recovered the body from a heap of garbage on Sunday after they heard the crying sound of the baby. They dug her out from the soil and seeing the girl breathing, rushed her to the District Hospital with the help of the police. The baby girl remains healthy.