Chennai: The Joint Director of Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Commission, responsible for uploading the erroneous notification requiring Hindi proficiency apart from Tamil and English, has been dismissed immediately followed by a departmental inquiry to take disciplinary action against him.
Admitting mistakes in the notification for filling up vaccines of Call Responders in the department, TN Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Minister Geetha Jeevan explained the requirement of qualifications of such posts inadvertently included proficiency in Tamil, English and Hindi.
"Women helpline number 181, a control centre for the vulnerable is functioning in Chennai through the Social Welfare Commission," she said.
The recruitment notification was uploaded on the department's website,, by the Joint Director of Social Welfare Commission to fill up some vacancies for Call Responders in the women's helpline section. As soon as the mistake came to the notice of the government, the advertisement was immediately replaced with a rectified version mentioning the requirement for proficiency in Tamil and English.
The Joint Director, responsible for uploading the erroneous notification has been dismissed immediately followed by a departmental inquiry to take disciplinary action against him.
Under the chief ministership of M K Stalin, Tamil has been given additional importance to be used in all government departments.
To make the Dravidian language more popular, the government has made it mandatory for all competitive examinations conducted in the state so that the native youths can utilise this opportunity.
"It is sad to see that some people are in a position to politicise the mistake made by a government official. No one needs to take lessons and shout about Tamil. People are not going to be fooled by this. During our Chief Minister's rule, the Tamil language is getting more and more special and growing. It is those who cannot bear to see this are crying now. Leaving it aside, we will continue our journey through our mother tongue, Tamil," the clarification from the department read.
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