Lucknow: A five-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a 17-year-old boy in a locality of the Bazar Khala area here, police said. A case has been registered under the Juvenile Justice (JJ) Act, and the accused has been detained, they said.
The accused allegedly took the girl with him on the pretext of buying her a chip packet and committed the crime.
“After the girl went missing, her family started looking for her. During the fanatic search, she was located at a nearby house as they heard her screams. The family members broke the door and caught the accused red-handed,” police said, citing a complaint.
“On reaching inside, the girl was found in a distraught state. The accused teenager was also in the room. The family members caught the teenager. After this, the police were informed. The police reached the spot in a short time,” said an official.
Inspector Bazar Khala Santosh Arya said that the girl had been sent for medical examination. A case has been registered in the matter, and action is being taken under the Juvenile Act.
The girl lives with her family in a locality in the Bazar Khala area. On Sunday, she was playing outside her house when the accused boy from the neighbourhood approached her. “He lured the girl by promising to give her a packet of chips. Due to this, the girl went with him,” police said.
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