Chandigarh: In a breakthrough to curb activities of gangsters in Punjab, Tarn Taran police arrested five associates of Jaggu Bhagwanpuria and Amritpal Singh alias Amrit Bal along with four illegal weapons, including a 9 mm pistol made in the USA. Meanwhile, the police took them in remand and initiated interrogation.
Accused planning targeted killings
The initial investigation revealed that all these accused were planning targeted killings. During the course of the investigation, police came to know that a shooter was involved in target killings earlier in the Tarn Taran area. Based on the information available with the police, further investigation of the case is being done. Police are on the lookout for more associates of Jaggu who are active in the area.
With the arrest, the name of Jaggu Bhagwanpuria has come to light again. Bhagwanpuria, who has been named in various criminal cases, is a resident of Bhagwanpur village of Gurdaspur. A good Kabaddi player once, he became active in the world of crime later. He changed his name from Jaspreet Singh to Jaggu Bhagwanpuria.
He started working with a gangster named Guri from Punjab. He progressed by committing petty crimes such as robberies, assaults and extortion. After this, Jaggu turned contract killer for money.