Hyderabad: Bollywood actors Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor were spotted attending the Ganga aarti before the release of their upcoming film Mr & Mrs Mahi. The actors were spotted worshipping at the Dashashwasmedh Ghat on Monday amid the promotions of the flick. Directed by Sharan Sharma, the romantic sports drama film will open in theatres on May 31.
Rajkummar and Janhvi sought for blessings as their highly anticipated film gears up for release in approximately ten days. Janhvi looks stunning in the photos, wearing a blue and silver Benarasi saree with jhumkas and a gajra tied neatly on her bun. On the other hand, Rajkummar opted to dress in trousers and a white cotton shirt.
However, Rao and Janhvi did not neglect their responsibilities as law-abiding citizens, even when they were preoccupied with promotional efforts. The duo voted in the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha elections on Monday by showing up at their respective polling places in Mumbai before heading to Varanasi. On Tuesday, Janhvi will visit the national capital for the film's promotions.
Mr and Mrs Mahi is helmed by director Sharan Sharma, best known for his feature film debut Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, which also starred Janhvi in the titular role. The romantic sports drama marks Janhvi and Sharan's second collaboration. Additionally, it is also the second time that Janhvi and Rajkummar have collaborated. The two previously appeared in Roohi.
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