Hyderabad: The Kapoor family, including Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Neetu Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Saif Ali Khan, jetted off to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi today ahead of Raj Kapoor's centenary. To mark Raj Kapoor's 100th birth anniversary, the Kapoor family is gearing up to pay tribute to the late actor-director by screening his films in association with Film Heritage Foundation and National Film Archive of India. The meeting aims to invite PM Modi to the upcoming film festival honouring Raj Kapoor's legacy.
The film festival will showcase 10 restored classic films starring Raj Kapoor, including Aag, Barsaat, Awaara, Shree 420, and Mera Naam Joker. Kareena Kapoor Khan shared details of the three-day event on social media, inviting fans to join a special screening of Raj Kapoor's iconic films from December 13 to 15, 2024, across 40 cities and 135 cinemas nationwide. Ticket prices are set at a symbolic Rs 100.
Ranbir Kapoor emphasised the importance of preserving the legacy of great filmmakers like his grandfather. "It's important we remember our roots--not just Raj Kapoor, but so many filmmakers and artists who have left an indelible mark on Indian cinema." Raj Kapoor's films, known for their pioneering storytelling, melodious music, and timeless appeal, have influenced generations of filmmakers and audiences. His iconic movies continue to be celebrated for their artistic vision and social relevance.
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