Hyderabad: The teaser of the upcoming film The Sabarmati Report starring Vikrant Massey, Ridhi Dogra and Raashii Khanna was dropped on Thursday. The highly anticipated movie, directed by Ranjan Chandel, is set to release on May 3, 2024. According to the makers, the film is based on the events that took place on the morning of 27 February 2002, on the Sabarmati Express near the Godhra railway station in Gujarat.
Taking to Instagram, Vikrant Massey shared the teaser of the film along with the release date, captioning it as a significant moment in Indian history. He wrote, "An event that shook the nation. Turned into an incident that changed Indian history forever. Presenting the #TheSabarmatiReport, in cinemas on 3rd May, 2024. (sic)"
The one-minute-eight-second teaser featuring Vikrant Massey, Ridhi Dogra and Raashii Khanna, reveals the aftermath of the Sabarmati Express burning in Gujarat's Godhra and the tragic loss of 59 lives.
The teaser unfolds with the violent halt of the train and subsequent chaos, followed by harrowing scenes of passengers in the fire. Vikrant's character discusses the incident's gravity with his boss, played by Ridhi, convinced that it wasn't a mere accident. Raashii's character stands by him in his pursuit of uncovering the truth.
Amidst escalating tension, Vikrant asserts that the nation eagerly awaits the media to unveil the truth, obstructed by powerful societal figures. Bankrolled by Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa Kapoor, Amul V Mohan, and Anshul Mohan, The Sabarmati Report is scheduled to hit theatres on May 3.