Hyderabad: Fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee etched his name in history by becoming the first Indian designer to grace the esteemed Met Gala red carpet. On Tuesday, he made a striking appearance at the event, donning an intricately embroidered cotton duster coat from his Sabyasachi Resort 2024 collection, paired with an array of precious stones, including tourmalines, pearls, emeralds, and diamonds from Sabyasachi High Jewellery.
The designer took to his social media to share a glimpse of his Met Gala experience, posting a video on his Instagram Story that showcased him posing for shutterbugs on the red carpet. He also treated his fans to a series of stunning poses captured on the streets of New York City. Fans congratulated him on this monumental moment, with one commenting, "Good to see you in your creation... hope to see you more like this." Another commented, "Congratulations we are all so proud."
This year, Sabyasachi's involvement in the Met Gala extended beyond his own attendance, as he also designed a breathtaking outfit for Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt. Alia dazzled in a custom-made, mint green Sabyasachi saree, adorned with a dramatic, flowing trail that perfectly encapsulated the theme of this year's Met Gala, "Sleeping Beauty: Reawakening Fashion," with its dress code "The Garden of Time." The actor was styled by Anaita Shroff.
Following her red carpet appearance, Alia took to Instagram to share a string of photos showcasing her Met Gala look, marking her second appearance at the prestigious event. Last year, she made her debut at the Met Gala in a pearl-drenched gown, and this year's appearance only solidified her status as a fashion icon.